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Fabio Vighi provides a thought-provoking analysis on the future of capitalism, including food and energy rationing, mass immiseration, social credit, and monetary control via digital currency. The conflict in Ukraine is used as an example of how Western politicians are sabotaging diplomacy and extending a conflict that turns thousands into cannon fodder while fanning the flames of a potential nuclear war. The fear paradigm is essential to beat us into psychological obedience.

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0 39

A foreign correspondent shares his thoughts on the slow motion destruction of Julian Assange and the toxic message it sends to non-mainstream media. He reflects on his profession as a dying art and the rise of Techno-Feudalism. The article also mentions waiting for Putin's address to the St. Petersburg forum, which has been postponed.

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0 44

The shortage of diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) due to the curtailed Russian shipments caused by NATO's war sanctions is threatening to stop diesel engines running entirely. The Biden White House is quietly urging large companies to start buying and trading Russian fertilizer to address the storage of urea that is running out.

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0 43

The US Empire has a history of creating 'allies of convenience' that later become deadly foes. The newest example is the NATO-nurtured neo-Nazi fighters in Ukraine, who will soon make their presence felt throughout the West. With US support, far-right elements of Ukrainian units go on to train and recruit for Nazi paramilitary units and gangs. White nationalist Americans are allowed to travel to Ukraine and train paramilitary units, creating a dangerous situation for the West.

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The article discusses the potential outcome of Russia winning the war in Ukraine and the impact it will have on Europe. The author predicts that Russia will likely create a new country with the south and east of Ukraine and leave the rest for neighboring countries. However, the US-controlled NATO will still be present and may seek revenge for the loss of Ukraine, leading to a buildup of troops and missile capabilities along Russia's borders. The article suggests that this could lead to another big war against Russia in the future.

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