I'm waiting here for Putin's address to the St. Petersburg forum (it's been postponed), and all I can feel is my blood boiling even after all those years of Tao apprenticeship while living in Asia (which I miss dearly). Instead of rushing to pen an angry script, I just feel engulfed by a black void. Bye bye Anglo-American pie. You have achieved your historical mission: today is the epitome of your long descent into the maelstrom of repulsive un-reality. I'm too tired to invoke Diogenes, Neoplatonists or even Madame Guillotine. Suffice to say that the slow motion destruction of Julian - complete with ceremonial dispatch to the American gulag - is a toxic "message" to every non-mainstream media anywhere. And I take it particularly seriously - as a professional newspaper man since the 1980s and one of the few remaining practitioners of a dying profession: the foreign correspondent. The "masters" of Neoliberal Totalitarianism, or as I prefer to define it, Techno-Feudalism, will come after you, me, all of us, relentlessly. Everything that does not fit into their uber-narrow exclusivist agenda is "disinformation" - and WILL be eradicated. Literally. And even physically. Yet karma is a bitch. They will eventually be struck by lightning - and reduced to less than nothing.

Теги других блогов: Julian Assange Putin St. Petersburg forum